# lucky.hs
lucky :: Int -> String
lucky x = "Sorry"
ghci>lucky 3
ghci>lucky 7
# factorial.hs
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial(n - 1)
# addVectors.hs
addVectors :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)
addVectors a b = (fst a + fst b, snd a + snd b)
ghci>addVectors (1, 3) (2, 4)
# first.hs
first :: (a, b, c) -> a
first (x, _, _) = x
# second.hs
second :: (a, b, c) -> b
second (_, y, _) = y
ghci>first (1, 2, 3)
ghci>second (1, 2, 3)
# head.hs
head' :: [a] -> a
head' [] = error "Can't call head on an empty list"
head' (x:_) = x
ghci>head' [1, 2, 3]
# firstLetter.h
firstLetter :: String -> String
firstLetter "" = "Empty string"
firstLetter all@(x:xs) = "The first letther of " ++ all ++ " is " ++ [x]
ghci>firstLetter "Hello World"
"The first letther of Hello World is H"
# bmiTell.hs
bmiTell :: Double -> String
bmiTell bmi
| bmi <= 18.5 = "you're underweight"
| bmi <= 25.0 = "normal"
| otherwise = "whale"
ghci>bmiTell 18.5
"you're underweight"
ghci>bmiTell 20
# bmiTell.hs
bmiTell :: Double -> Double -> String
bmiTell weight height
| weight / height ^ 2 <= 18.5 = "you're underweight"
| weight / height ^ 2 <= 25.0 = "normal"
| otherwise = "whale"
# bmiTell.hs (using where keyword)
bmiTell :: Double -> Double ->String
bmiTell weight height
| bmi <= 18.5 = "you're underweight"
| bmi <= 25.0 = "normal"
| otherwise = "whale"
where bmi = weight / height ^ 2
calcBmis :: [(Double, Double)] -> [Double]
calcBmis xs = [bmi w h | (w, h) <- xs]
where bmi weight height = weight / height ^ 2
# calcBmis.hs
calcBmis :: [(Double, Double)] -> [Double]
calcBmis xs = [bmi w h | (w, h) <- xs]
where bmi weight height = weight / height ^ 2
ghci> calcBmis [(4, 2)]
# cylinder.hs
cylinder :: Double -> Double -> Double
cylinder r h =
let sideArea = 2 * pi * r * h
topArea = pi * r ^ 2
in sideArea + 2 * topArea
ghci>cylinder 4 5
ghci> [let square x = x * x in (square 5, square 3, square 2)]
ghci> (let a = 100; b = 200; c = 300 in a * b * c, let foo = "Hey "; bar = "there!" in foo ++ bar)
(6000000,"Hey there!")
ghci> (let (a, b, c) = (1, 2, 3) in a + b + c) * 100
# calcBmis.hs
calcBmis :: [(Double, Double)] -> [Double]
calcBmis xs = [bmi | (w, h) <- xs, let bmi = w / h ^2]
# head.hs
head' :: [a] -> a
head' xs = case xs of [] -> error "No head for empty list!"
(x:_) -> x
ghci> head' "Hello World"
describeList :: [a] -> String
describeList ls = "The list is " ++ what ls
where what [] = "empty."
what [x] = "a singleton list."
what xs = "a longer list."