Command Formsby Pigbrain

Command Forms

cmd &Execute cmd in background
cmd1; cmd2Execute multiple cmds
{ cmd1; cmd2; }Execute commands as a group in the current shell
(cmd1; cmd2)Execute commands as a group in a subshell
cmd1 │ cmd2 use output from cmd1 as input to cmd2
cmd1 `cmd2` use cmd2 output as arguments to cmd1
cmd $((expression)) Use the result of expression as argument to cmd
cmd1 && cmd2 execute cmd1 and then (if cmd1 succeeds)cmd2
cmd1 ││ cmd2 execute either cmd1 or (if cmd1 fails)cmd2
!cmd execute cmd, and produce a zero exit status if cmd exits with a nonzero status. produce a nonzero status when cmd exits with a zero status


Published 17 March 2016